Winter Triticale - Gainer 154

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Gainer 154 is a high-yielding early variety. Gainer 154 is an all around strong triticale variety that excels in both forage and cover crop applications.

Fertility: Nitrogen & Sulfur– The plant will use 50lbs of Nitrogen and 10 units of sulfur per ton of dry matter to make 16% protein. For example, high yielding (4 tons of dry matter per acre.) triticale will uptake 200 units of Nitrogen and 40 units of Sulfur. Apply up to 50 units of Nitrogen at planting, followed by 100 plus units of Nitrogen at green up. Manure and legume credits can be applied but spring release of Nitrogen and Sulfur is every limited during cool weather. Follow soil test guidelines for other nutrients.

Harvest Management: Wide-swath for best drying and ensile at 65%-70% moisture. The “haylage in a day” model is recommended for best fermentation and sugar preservation. For best results, cut prior to boot stage. Triticale’s window of harvest is wider than most other small grains, so it maintains quality longer. Always test for nitrates before feeding.

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